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Author Topic: Application of Stolen Shins  (Read 268 times)

Deadpotatos(Stolen Shins)

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Application of Stolen Shins
« on: November 14, 2022, 08:55:45 pm »
1. What's your Nation Name in Hive?
Answer:- Stolen Shins
2. What's your WA Nation Name? (if any)
Answer:- Stolen Shins
3. Are you known by any other names within the realm of Nationstates?
Answer:- No
4. What other regions are you affiliated with? (If any)
Answer:- I was formerly affiliated with Lower Kingdom, the region i just left
5. Have you ever been convicted of any IC crimes in other regions, Have you ever got punished for OOC reasons in other regions?
Answer:- No, I have never been convicted of any IC crimes or punished for OOC reasons
6. Why do you want to join Hive?
Answer:- Because I am interested in joining an active community in which I can take part in, because the region I just left's government was falling apart, but I also don't wish to join a heavily populated region.
7. Which Guild(s) are you interested in joining? (Make a "x" beside the Guild(s) you are interested in joining)
Information Guild

Culture Guild

Diplomats Guild [ ]
Recruiters Guild [ ]
8. What's your Discord Username? (If any) [example:- Warrior#0528]
Answer:- Deadpotatos#6067
9. Tell us a little bit about yourself (optional)

Sign this Pledge,
I, Stolen Shns hereby pledge my allegiance to the Order of Hive. I will obey the Hive Charter and all the other laws of the region. I will serve the Government of Hive to the best of my abilities.

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